Wednesday May 14, 2025
7:15 AM - 8:45 AM CDT
Niceville Community Center
204 North Partin Drive
Niceville, FL 32578
$15 cash or check at the door.
$11 advance credit card payment.
$20 Non-Member attendees.
Click the registration button to prepay.
Alysson Wrann
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Join the Chamber for Second Wednesday Breakfast sponsored by HCA Florida Twin Cities Hospital!
Coffee Sponsored by
Entertainment Sponsored by
Come early to start networking at 7:15am and the Breakfast will start at 7:30am sharp! Pay $15 cash or check at the door, enjoy a delicious breakfast, network with 200 chamber members, and learn more from our sponsor!
Members and guests are welcome - no need to RSVP!
Door prizes are accepted at the Breakfast and are a great way to promote your business!