Monday Aug 26, 2024
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
Chamber Office
1055 John Sims Parkway East
Niceville, FL
Donations accepted!
Angela Roy
Send Email
As the school year approaches, it is time for The Niceville Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with our members, to celebrate and honor our local chamber member schools teachers and support staff as they begin the school year and prepare to welcome the students.
We will deliver a large basket packed with items that can be used and enjoyed or shared with the students to each school. If you would like to join in on the project, simply drop your items to the Chamber office before August 3rd at 12pm. Or, let us know and we can pick your items up at your office.
Promotional/branded items are great, or if you would like to add your business card or company name on a sticker to your donations, feel free to do so. Handwritten notes of gratitude and best wishes for them are always appreciated too! We have included a list of suggested items, but feel free to use your imagination and prior experience.
Reams of White Copy Paper
Post it notes
Powdered Energy Drink Packets
Instant Coffee Packets
Granola Bars
Flash Drives
Hand sanitizers
Gift Cards
Use your imagination!
We are open Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm and Friday 8am - 12pm.Thank you for your membership and for your generosity to our local schools!